How to Prepare Yourself for the Boston Marathon

The Boston Marathon is one of the most prestigious races in the world and it takes a lot of preparation to get ready for it. It is not just about running 26.2 miles, but also about how to train your body and mind for it.

In order to qualify for the Boston Marathon, runners need to meet strict qualifying standards. Qualifying standards are different for different age groups and genders. And every year those standards get harder and harder.

The following tips will help you get ready for the Boston marathon.

- Find your pace: Your pace should be slow enough that you can talk while running, but not so slow that you can't keep up with the person in front of you. It is important to find your pace before starting training because if you start too fast, it will be difficult to maintain the speed throughout the whole marathon.

- Set a goal: Setting an achievable goal is important when training for a marathon because it will motivate you and make sure that you don’t give up on yourself as soon as things get difficult. A good goal would be finishing the race in under four hours

-Find your running tribe: Your running tribe is a group of people who share the same passion for running. They are not only supportive but also encourage you to push yourself to your limits. They came make those long runs not just bearable but fun!

-Incorporate Strength Training: Strength training is a great way to improve your running. It can help you run faster, reduce injury risk and make you more efficient when it comes to using energy. Strength train 3 times a week for at 30 minutes per session. Perform exercises that work all the major muscle groups. Use weights that are heavy enough to challenge yourself but not too heavy to make it difficult or impossible


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